Wall Mount Patch Panel Rack - 15U Wall Mount Rack - 2 Post Open Frame Rack - Wall Mount Network Patch Panel (WALLMNT12) - Wall mount bracket - black - 12U Wall Mount Patch Panel Rack - 15U Wall Mount Rack - 2 Post Open Frame Rack - Wall Mount Network Patch Panel (WALLMNT12) - Wall mount bracket - black - 12U
Ražotāja kods:
€ 168,09€ 138,92
Noliktavā (1)
28. martā
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Pirmā iemaksa (10%):
Mount equipment that is up to 12 inches deep, such as patch panels or network switches, to your wall. This wall-mount bracket provides 12U of space for mounting shallow rack-mount equipment that's 12 in. deep or less to the wall, such as patch panels or network switches. The 12U rack optimizes your working space by efficiently mounting your shallow equipment on your wall instead of taking up desk space or other usable surface areas. It's the perfect solution for your space-limited SoHo (small office, home office) environment or server room because it doesn't take up any floor space. The wall rack is constructed of solid steel to ensure a sturdy and safe mounting solution for your mission-critical equipment. Also, because the wall-mount rack's mounting holes are positioned 16 in. apart, it exactly matches standard drywall construction framework to ensure simple and secure wall-stud anchoring. The rack also features a rear access panel that can be used to easily run cabling into the rack. Cage nuts and screws are included with the wall-mount bracket, to save you the hassle of sourcing separate mounting hardware. If you're looking for a shallow mounting solution with fewer rack units, also offers a 6U wall-mount bracket, and an 8U wall-mount bracket.
Improve efficiency and accessibility in your workspace
Ensure a secure and hassle-free installation
Improve efficiency and accessibility in your workspace The 12U rack optimizes your working space by efficiently mounting your shallow equipment on your wall instead of taking up desk space or other usable surface areas. It's the perfect solution for your space-limited SoHo environment or server room because it doesn't take up any floor space.
Ensure a secure and hassle-free installation The wall rack is constructed of solid steel to ensure a sturdy and safe mounting solution for your mission-critical equipment. The rack also features a rear access panel that can be used to easily run cabling into the rack.
Mount equipment that is up to 12 inches deep, such as patch panels or network switches, to your wall. This wall-mount bracket provides 12U of space for mounting shallow rack-mount equipment that's 12 in. deep or less to the wall, such as patch panels or network switches.
Produkta līnija
Citi / Aksesuāru kategorija
Racks and rack hardware
Citi / Produkta materiāls
Ražotāja kods
Produkta tips
Wall mount bracket
Produkta līnija
Dimensijas / Platums
Dimensijas / Dziļums
Dimensijas / Augstums
Citi / Aksesuāru kategorija
Racks and rack hardware
Citi / Produkta materiāls
Inner Dimensions / Width
Inner Dimensions / Height
Header / Packaged Quantity
Header / Model
Wall Mount Patch Panel Rack - 15U Wall Mount Rack - 2 Post Open Frame Rack - Wall Mount Network Patch Panel (WALLMNT12)
Capital nodrošina Patērētāju tiesības – 24 mēnešus precēm, uz kurām tās attiecināmas. Vairāk lasi šeit
Tīmekļa vietnē saglabāsies tehniskās sīkdatnes, kuras ir nepieciešamas, lai nodrošinātu tīmekļa vietnes darbību un kuru izmantošanai nav nepieciešams iegūt lietotāja piekrišanu.
Mēs izmantojam savas un trešo pušu sīkdatnes, lai uzlabotu tīmekļa vietnes lietošanas funkcionalitāti, lai iegūtu datus par apmeklētāju plūsmu, un lai saglabātu tavu iepirkšanās vēsturi un izmantotu informāciju par tevis iepriekš iegādātajiem produktiem, lai ieteiktu tev citus produktus, kuri, mūsuprāt, tevi interesēs. Uzzināt vairāk par mūsu sīkdatņu noteikumiem vari šeit.
Papildu informāciju par mūsu privātuma politiku pieejama šeit.
Tīmekļa vietnē saglabāsies tehniskās sīkdatnes, kuras ir nepieciešamas, lai nodrošinātu tīmekļa vietnes darbību un kuru izmantošanai nav nepieciešams iegūt lietotāja piekrišanu.